What's more, the heavenly attendant

Unknown 3:16 AM
In the Old Testament, blessed messengers conveyed God's messages to assigned individuals. They frequently seemed camouflaged in human structure, sent to manage particular circumstances. Different times they showed God's guidelines as an idea or dream. Different verses say 'the blessed messenger conversed with me' (see Zechariah).

Blessed messengers were not allowed to wander the earth, since it was still in the fallen angel's hands. Rather, they were sent on particular missions, venturing out to and from paradise at God's command. At the point when David asked, searching for answers, he held up three weeks while blessed messengers combat through Satan's assaults.

Consider their inclusion in Jesus' life. God's ideal planning conveyed Jesus to earth approximately 4,000 years after Adam and Eve's transgression. Since God's kingdom capacities on talked words, a holy messenger addressed Zacharias and Elisabeth.

In any case, the heavenly attendant said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy petition is listened; and thy spouse Elisabeth might bear thee a child, and thou shalt call his name John... What's more, the blessed messenger... said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stands within the sight of God; and am sent to talk unto thee, and to shew thee these happy news. ~ Luke 1:13, 19

A couple of months after the fact, a blessed messenger conversed with Mary, disclosing what might happen to her and alerted her to 'dread not'.

What's more, the heavenly attendant came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that workmanship exceptionally supported, the Lord is with thee: favored craftsmanship thou among ladies. Furthermore, the blessed messenger said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast discovered support with God. ~ Luke 1:28,30

Soon after Mary's radiant appearance, a holy messenger came to console Joseph, instructing him to 'dread not'. Dread debilitates confidence and draws us far from the insurance and deliverance God gives.

Yet, while he thought on these things, view, the holy messenger of the LORD showed up unto him in a fantasy, saying, Joseph, thou child of David, trepidation not to take unto thee Mary thy spouse: for that which is imagined in her is of the Holy Ghost... At that point Joseph being raised from rest did as the blessed messenger of the LORD had bidden him... ~ Matt. 1:20, 24

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