References to Angels

Unknown 8:23 AM
References to Angels

WE begin by utilizing the book of scriptures as the principal reference, since it is a definitive arrangement of recorded archives. In doing as such, we are in this manner not depending on theories of men, or on simply some creators' encounters nor plain coherent examination nor just a normally made out inference.

Some individuals have guaranteed, possibly because of a not all that careful exploration, that there are only a couple dubiously specified entries in the book of scriptures alluding to these otherworldly creatures.

Unexpectedly, the notice of heavenly attendants is comprehensive in Scripture. In the NASB interpretation they are alluded to 196 times: 103 times in the Old Testament and 93 times in the New Testament.

There are various references to blessed messengers by the Lord Jesus, who is pronounced to be the Creator for goodness' sake, which incorporates these profound creatures. Paul composed, "For by Him all things were made, both in the sky and on earth, obvious and imperceptible, whether thrones or territories or rulers or powers (a reference to heavenly attendants)- the sum total of what things have been made by Him and for Him."

Some particular entries saying blessed messengers

Some found in the Old Testament:

1. They were doled out to watch the passageway to the greenery enclosure of Eden - Genesis 3:24

2. Secured Lot - Gen 19

3. Helped Elijah - 1 Kings 19:5

4. Helped Isaiah 6:6

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