Ur'el to Anauj, delicately

Unknown 8:54 AM
"You will be bound a million years, one for each of your transgressions, in the Prison House for Angels, profound inside the Universe alongside your friend (as had already been done to a decent divide of the two-hundred other-worldly rebels, the Watchers of old)."

The desert, the houses, the town, and homesteads, and chasing locales were all blazing filling sky with dark smoke. The creatures, pigs, camels, vultures, snakes, rodents, and rabbits, pooches and felines, all diminishing of dismay, some falling into sinkholes, others were gobbled up by the development of the outside layer of the earth. The world was arriving at an end it appeared. What's more, Anauj just remained there as though to sit tight for her lord's call, needing to run with Ur'el, for it was the main safe name she had listened; she kept that grin all over now, and Onki couldn't take it off. Ur'el took a gander at her, his warm eyes advised her numerous things, they advised her that the Almighty God of the universe, had perused her heart, heard her mystery words-as she strung the faint and thin maze Onki made out of her life, and with a piece of confidence, the reverberation had achieved his throne room.

Said Onki, with a yell, breaking the occasion "Kill ME!- don't give me a chance to need to number the days and evenings and hours alone in haziness, and nothingness, in a visually impaired world in some formed jail out of the cosmos...!" however there was no discussion amongst detainee and the defender, Ur'el.

Said Ur'el to Anauj, delicately, "It is a minor minute in time...no more than that, it will pass, and be covered profound inside man's unwritten diaries, possibly quite possibly, a different universe away, in an alternate time cycle will reveal some of this. In any case, go, get a spouse, leave the dead to themselves, and the scorpions to the desert. Make another era; I originate from the One God, He is the person who sent me. I will see you at some other time."

Having said that, more holy messengers showed up, getting the other two rebels, and restricting them with twofold chains. As Onki was taken away to the Prison House for Angels, distant in the Universe; and as they took him, one could hear his hard and enthusiastic breathing, his beating of his appendages, his nostrils murmuring, his body shaking. Onki's kid was dead just like every one of the half breeds of that day thus this is the place another adventure started and an old one finished.

History Channel Documentary

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