The Book of Life

Unknown 8:15 AM
The Book of Life

The length of the day of the ruler is 4,000 years roughly. In the center was Jesus Christ who brought the winter of the evening since it is a false prophet and the educating is pretend. In a dream I saw the day as a line extended and before all else in splendid light was EVE in vast capital letters. At my end was EVENING likewise in the brightest light. The center was in dimness and there was NOON and the figure of a man on a cross remaining over a group coming to up and crying to him.

"We grab for the divider like the visually impaired, and we grab as though we had no eyes: we falter at twelve day as in the night; we are in forlorn spots as dead men." Isaiah 59:10

This is a portrayal of the profoundly dead who climb after a false god that has no force and that was composed on past symbols, for example, Krishna of the Vedic Trinity. Constantine created him when he set up the Catholic Church in 325 AD. That is the biting pill to swallow as all of Christianity emerged later. The Vatican, which he worked over the sanctuary of Jupiter, requested Augustine Bea to frame another religion in backing of it.

The man named Mohammed was mentored by him to be a prophet and that was the start of the Muslim religion. All depend on the Islamic religion of Babylon that was taken to all parts of the world by the Romans. The individuals who are of the Spirit got away by denying the religions and they frequently passed on frightful passings therefore.

"The valuable children of Zion equivalent to fine gold, how are they regarded as earthen pitchers, the work of the hand of the potter." Lamentations 4:2

That is the sweet taste in the mouth of the individuals who have endured to the end are still connected to the brilliant force of the Spirit. As judgment expels their adversaries for unequaled only they will acquire the reestablished earth.

"What's more, I saw the dead... stand before God, and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were composed in the books, as per their works." Revelation 20:12

History Channel Documentary

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