the Giants, the Nephilim

Unknown 8:48 AM
I get it was another superhuman being-she felt would bring their end, she came to acknowledge as their end, simply a question of time, apparently he'd look to some degree like them, yet brighter, and somebody that they dreaded, consequently, he would show up some time or another and the more she analyzed them and their trepidation doubtlessly to its more noteworthy sureness it was only that, this other being was covered up in the profundities of their psyches like ocean animals investigating the separation sands, and the edges of its chasm, inside their uncertain brains, yet the miracle was, the means by which strange, that these creatures had no inconvenience in adjusting to earth, that inevitably prompt womanizing, yet she had caught them talking in the warmth of a night, that it was a clever mistress that made them sin, conveyed them to this level, to leave their habituate, and showered them into the race, not acclimated to sex, they without a doubt took in its joys rapidly, and could have endless climaxes, not at all like mortal man, as a lady can, and therefore, stripped and overwhelmed the female race on earth, taking men's girls and spouses and whomever they needed and expression of this had achieved the high sky called among mankind, as 'The Old Ones' or the 'Shinning Ones,' the Giants, the Nephilim. Henceforward, came the wanton days on earth, and their monster race was cartouche.

In a like way, she had heard the name Ura'el, and all the more so she every now and again thought about the person who might send this being called Ura'el, that would be the one to dread, her friend in need to be. She had learned by perception to remember this Ura'el as the unrivaled more established one.

She was youthful, however immediately learned it was not regular to have such powers inside such squalid tissue of cruel monsters, in semi human edges, they needed to be worshiped, and couldn't be murdered by any warrior she knew of, and they required no nourishment, or sex, yet took it for joy regardless. She didn't know the entire of it, however was sufficiently astute to keep her trepidation noiseless, as they did, concerning this Ura'el being, concerning everything thought she ever had-for fear that she be responsible to their sort of extreme fate they were dormant, cool safe, hesitant to do anything other than give arranges, and anticipated that her would be a prepared seal, or pigeon, spare her bird like appearance, and peculiarities.

History Channel Documentary

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