Lucifer was no more piece of God's family.

Unknown 8:31 AM
When we think about the main sin, we naturally consider Adam yet the primary sin was not dedicated in the Garden of Eden. It was conferred in paradise by Lucifer, otherwise called The Morning Star. The wrongdoing conferred was pride. Lucifer was known as a Son of God. (Work 38:4-7). At last, he debased the throne of paradise and was thrown down with 33% of the holy messengers with him. Presently, it is intriguing to note that in Revelation Jesus is alluded to as The Morning Star. Morning star implies child, and Lucifer lost that status when he thought he could be as large as God.

Jesus said in Luke 10:18, "I saw Satan fall like helping from paradise."

Still disobedient in the wake of contaminating the throne of Heaven, Satan mediates in God's creation to stifle humankind. So after Satan entices Eve God establishes out the framework of reclamation yet withholds the riddle of the blood from Satan. He's truly frantic now since God calls humanity his children. Lucifer was no more piece of God's family.

The battle had started for domain of the earth and humanity, and the throne (or the sanctuary) of paradise is the focal stage and as it was at the outset, the skirmish of Armageddon will start with a definitive Holy War for the throne in Jerusalem between to two Princes, the child, Jesus and the Satan's Prince, the Anti-Christ.

Be that as it may, the blood is still an issue. So we should elucidate how the blood has played out so far and how it will again at last in this great war against Satan over God's power over his creation.

After the wrongdoing in the Garden of Eden man was cut off from the tree of life and a condemnation was passed on to man isolating him from his maker. God did not need this, but rather sin won't stay in his nearness of unadulterated light. (Beginning 3:15) God said to the serpent, "I'll put ill will amongst you and the lady, and between your posterity and hers. He will pound your head and you will wound His heel." The "He" that God is alluding to that would smash Satan's head is Jesus, so we know from this that God is alluding to a solitary seed, very few seeds.

History Channel Documentary

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