God trained Moses to choose the Levites

Unknown 8:35 AM
God trained Moses to choose the Levites as clerics of the sanctuary in the line of Arron who might be the High Priest. The High Priest was to relinquish a bull and a red calf once per year at the Feast of Tabernacles ( Yum Kippur) for recovery of the general population's transgressions. An unblemished sheep was to be yielded at Passover every year. Passover is God's support to spread you with his purged blood over your residence so demise and the insidious one can not go through. Presently, you get a look at the force of Christ's blood over you.

In Revelation, Jesus' feet is portrayed as metal, which is illustrative of the metal bowl in the sanctuary, the water speaks to Jesus' knees, his waist is spoken to by His soul in the Holy of Holies, and His Head is the Holiest of Holies. His right hand outstretched speaks to the Jews and his left hand outstretched speaks to the Gentiles. You can unmistakably see the trinity in the sanctuary lay out.The female bovine speaks to the Bride of Christ. The red calf fiery remains symbolize immaculateness, the torturous killing of Christ (the scape goat for wrongdoing, Numbers 19:2)

Rabbi Richmond who has a week by week Torah instructing from the Temple Institute says there's no real way to comprehend the baffling decontamination of the red yearling however that it implies a last reclamation, and they trust Israel will be reclaimed amid the month of Nissan (Passover). Some Orthodox Jews trust the red yearling will assume a part in the cleaning of the third Temple that is to come. The expense of a red yearling was 30 bits of silver, the same that was paid for Jesus to Judas. (Lev. 27:4) In Hebrews 9:13-14, Paul alludes to the smoldering of the fiery debris as an image of Jesus.

The last red calf that was yielded was just before the pulverization of King Herod's sanctuary. The Talmud (Jewish book of scriptures) expresses that the High Priest would remain in the sanctuary confronting the Mt. Of Olives when he sprinkled the blood 7 times. The Menorah must be brought out when sprinkling the blood, (the seven spirits of God in Revelation).

In this way, yes there is wisdom of the puzzle of the red yearling and those whom the Holy Spirit gives wisdom has no issue seeing that Jesus turned into the typical red calf, and in the third sanctuary he is the one and only that can purge it from the cursed thing of destruction. The word says that 1/3 of the Jews will see that plainly when God opens their blinded eyes. Lamentably, and it was to the misery of Daniel when Christ demonstrated to him how 2/3 of the Jews will die for their headstrong unbelief and like 33% of the holy messengers that tumbled from paradise, that 2/3 will die on account of the foe that will frame against Jerusalem.

History Channel Documentary

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