Unknown 8:34 AM
The stipulation of the agreement with Abraham was for the general population to put no other God's before them. Icons and misguided admiration was prohibited. God's desire is not the same as our own. Our envy causes strife, however God's image of desire is to align us with him. So when he shows his envy it is to right us and align us back with him and he fancies for us not to be driven by things that lead us to death and far from the wellspring of light that prompts life.

God likewise settled the principal natural products law through Abraham, that is the tithe. Abraham took a tenth of all he had to the High Priest Melchizedek. He was to perform a phlebotomy on each first conceived male by circumcision of the prepuce, and it was to be an indication of their blood agreement with God.

With each blood agreement God made he named a High Priest too. God blessed Melchizedek to be the principal High Priest in the contract with Abraham. Melchizedek had no history and there was no starting or end to him.

He is the hinting of Christ's High Priesthood. Melchizedek was advised by God to take bread and wine to Abraham which speaks to gift and the bread of life and the product of the area and additionally the anticipating of Jesus who said, "I am the bread descended from paradise and nobody goes to the father with the exception of through me, which means his blood, the wine.


The second contract God made was with Moses, a Christ-like figure who liberated the Israelites from subjugation. God set his statement down to Moses to provide for the picked individuals to be the attendants of His Word and decrees. God took Moses upon Mt. Sinai and there he demonstrated to him the Heavenly Temple and instructed him to assemble it and he would favor them and his nearness would stay among the general population. The wonderful sanctuary mirrors the tent sanctuary, its measurements, divisions and furniture. The Ark of the Covenant is in Heaven and the sanctuary is the throne. (Rev. 11:19)

History Channel Documentary

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