A standout amongst the most baffling

Unknown 6:40 AM
Discovery Channel

There are numerous speculations about the Lost Word. Some say it is just typical for the Divine Truth itself, which is stunning, however a matter of experience, that by reflection and supernatural interest it can be gained. Others say it needs to do with the mystery name of God as exemplified in Kabbalistic Jewish supernatural quality in the teachings of the baffling Tetragrammaton, communicated as YHWH, or Yodh-He-Waw-He. Some interpret this as JHVH, and afterward rendered as Yahweh, and after that into Jehovah. Some claim this lost word needs to do with the magical three-lettered word utilized by Freemasons that is disguised inside the letters A-U-M; and in certain Eastern conventions this is droned as the Aum, or heavenly stable of Creation itself, as God speaks His wonderful Word out into the void to make all that is. So we as human co-makers may likewise talk this mysterious sound of creation, to talk the Word of creation. Some mystery schools may translate this as the utilization of Magic in their consecrated customs and practices. Others propose that finding the Lost Word needs to do with procuring exploratory information, or even otherworldly insight, that maybe there was never a real strict word, yet something higher or more profound inferred that must be gotten to supernaturally. So the journey proceeds. Maybe we should go past the old thought of any sort of "lost word" and basically intercede, to listen inside, and find the Truth for ourselves, a tiny bit at once.

A standout amongst the most baffling secrets behind the Freemasonic Fraternity is the legend that the genuine authors were the puzzling consecrated Rex Deus families (Latin: God King). Their inherited lines can be followed back to the old Hebrews, and particularly King David, and back to the old Temple of Jerusalem. The conviction is that the Rex Deus families are likewise descendents of the group of Jesus. Certain legends assert that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had hitched and bore kids; henceforth, they made the illustrious bloodline of Christ. This is a case that most Christian houses of worship straight revile, saying such a thought is disrespectful, albeit numerous liberal individuals do acknowledge this probability. In any case, Freemasonic convention holds that the Rex Deus families made the Knights Templar, and later the later incarnation of the Order of Freemasonry - since it cases to be much more seasoned. Possibly the principal individuals from these requests were a piece of the Rex Deus families. Maybe numerous relatives of those early Craftmasons conveyed this holy bloodline; consequently, a few individuals from Freemasonry today may convey the very blood of Jesus! On the off chance that you can trust this involved legend. Trust it - or not.

Actually, Rex Deus imagery is found in various carvings of Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, and in addition numerous places of worship and church buildings crosswise over Europe; be that as it may, they are typically communicated as Templar images, and later utilized as a part of Freemasonry. Be that as it may, numerous case this demonstrates the Rex Deus ancestry was the essential instigators of what soon got to be Freemasonry, considering this involves record. Yet, whether such "truths" are substantial or manufacture is unverifiable. In like manner, it is unverifiable regardless of whether the association between the Rex Deus families and the Knights Templar and Freemasonry is even legitimate.

Additionally there is a case that the Rex Deus convention impacted Johann Valentin Andreae who professedly composed baffling writing that helped with the advancement of the Rosicrucian custom.

Along these lines, it appears glaringly evident that the Freemasons do hold certain insider facts and riddles, and they do scatter disinformation to secure their deepest privileged insights. Of all the data we can discover, will we ever discover which is legitimate Freemasonic information and which is publicity? Everything we can do is continue burrowing for the reality of the situation.

With that, how about we get ready for the following inquiry: What is the inception of the Freemasons? Is it true that they are truly the antiquated society they claim to be?

Copyright 2006 - 2012 by R. R. Stark - All Rights Reserved

The previous article is from "Bizarre Reports from Zones Unknown," an accumulation of records including the paranormal, Ufology, paranoid notions, concealments, and other fascinating subjects of the abnormal and unordinary.

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